Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chronic Yeast Infection

Chronic yeast infection is painful and unfortunately very common. Have you been suffering from chronic yeast infection for as long as you can remember? I personally went through this painful ordeal but am now totally free of this dreadful condition.

There are many things that you ought to know about the condition. The key question is whether your doctor can provide you with an effective cure in order to eliminate your recurring bouts of yeast infections.

Fungal infections as they are also called are not easy to define and because of this, your doctor may not be able to treat the condition as well as he should. A fungus called Candida Albicans is the cause of these infections. The problem arises when the fungus suddenly begins to overgrow leading to a huge list of annoying problems.

Candida grows mostly within the vaginal area due to the warmth and moist of the vaginal walls.

You can now understand why antibiotics cannot treat chronic yeast infection . In fact, Antibiotics worsen the condition. Antibiotics destroy what we call the friendly bacteria, which are present to fight off Candida Albicans.

Needless to say that once the friendly bacteria have been destroyed, the fungus then starts taking over. This is exactly what you want to avoid.

Many different cures are available to treat fungal infections. Some are better than others but in my opinion, natural remedies should be given the top spot. This is really the only cure that can stop a recurring fungal infection for good.

So the question is why?

Well, whether you decide to use garlic, yogurt or even boric acid to eliminate your infections, you will be surprised by the beneficial long term effects these natural cures have to offer you.

These remedies do not just hide the symptoms; they treat the root cause of the condition. This is what you should bear in mind when you look for a reliable solution. Normal chemical treatments can in fact make your infections worse instead of stopping it. The secret to getting rid of a recurring yeast infection is without doubt natural remedies.


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