Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yeast Infection: Description, Causes and Treatment

What is Yeast Infection?

This kind of infection is most common among women. However, many remain ignorant or unaware of this medical problem. It is important to know the symptoms, dangers, and related conditions of yeast infection to be able to treat it early on. It is also necessary to determine the various causes of this disease to be able to avoid it before it even happens. Finally, it will be most helpful for any female person if she is also knowledgeable of the several possible treatments for yeast infection to be able to curtail it immediately.

Not many women are familiar with the term “yeast infection”. However, more women are probably aware of or have experienced previously the symptoms of this condition. The top three signs of having yeast infection are itching, burning and pain, and discharge. Itching of any part of the skin or body is usually caused by an infestation of foreign organisms such as fungi or bacteria in a particular area of the body. In the case of yeast infection, the affected portion is the vaginal part and the surrounding areas. The infection can cause intense itching that rashes or redness usually develop secondary to scratching. Another indication is a burning or painful sensation in that area especially when urinating. The skin in a woman's vaginal part may already contain sores due to frequent scratching that when placed in contact with the acidity of urine may cause pain or a burning sensation. This feeling may be similar to that which is experienced when having urinary track infection, however, they occur at different areas of the body. Lastly, some women report of having discharges that are usually described as odorless, white, and cheese-like. At other instances, a starch-like odor is said to be observed from the discharges.

Yeast infection itself is not considered as highly dangerous, however, it can be very irritating and disturbing especially among women who are already preoccupied with other responsibilities or tasks. On the other hand, like most infections, it is highly transferable to other individuals including the opposite sex. Certain conditions of the body may make it easier for a person to acquire this disease such as diabetes and use of antibiotics.

Other health problems which are usually associated with yeast infection include urinary tract infections and possible complications during pregnancy. However, these are not scientifically-based and are yet to be proven or negated in future studies.

What causes Yeast Infection?

The scientific term for yeast infection is Candidiasis. This was derived from the the yeast organism or fungus-like Candida that causes this condition. Fungus thrives in dark and moist areas such as the vaginal area of women. Certain health conditions such as pregnancy and diabetes make people, especially women, more prone to acquiring yeast infection. Pregnancy causes a change in the metabolic balance and vaginal acidity of women which is more favorable to fungus growth. Fungus are also known to thrive among individuals with high sugar levels such as in the case of people with diabetes and those with defects in sugar metabolism.

What are the treatments for Yeast Infection?

Various oral medications such as Diflucan or fluconazole and topical treatments may be prescribed by doctors to cure yeast infection. Home remedies such as using yogurt and garlic, whether internally and externally, can also be done. It is, however, important to consult a doctor first prior to applying any of the available remedies to avoid complications and further harm.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Male Yeast Infection – Yes This Exist

It is a common thing to hear yeast infections occurring in women, but this almost seems like a myth in males. However, even men contract yeast infection (candidiasis) and they should be equally informed about this issue the same rate women are.

Although it can be sometimes transmitted sexually by an inflicted woman to an unaffected male yeast infection is not categorized under sexually transmitted diseases, such that not all males who contract it via sexual intercourse do so in all cases. The same Candida species (Candida albicans) though, that cause the infection in women are the same ones involved in men. It is thus, sometimes recommended by doctors to have a man get checked as well if his partner has yeast infection.

Another cause of male yeast infection is the use of condoms that are lubricated with the spermicide, nonxynol-9. Research links the said spermicide to the development of yeast infections in both men and women.

However, not all male yeast infections are contracted from sexual intercourse. There are yeast infections in males that are found in other parts of the body such as the mouth (oral thrush), ears, digestive tract and skin. These may occur due to external factors including medications, illness and lifestyle. A diet high in sugar - a substance that yeasts feed on – is one. Overconsumption of alcohol, particularly beer, may contribute to a yeast infection since beer is both high in yeast and glucose. In this light, diabetes mellitus can also be a cause, especially if the blood sugar is left unmanaged. Smoking is also said to put persons at an increased risk for oral thrush.

Excessive use of antibiotics can kill good bacteria in the body and lead to an exaggerated multiplication of yeasts. Other conditions that render a man’s immune system weak (making him immunocompromised), such as chronic steroid use, chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS and kidney transplant may provide favorable conditions for yeast to invade the body uncontrollably.

Signs and symptoms include redness, soreness and an itching sensation on the penis, especially the penile head. In some cases the condition may present with tiny blisters with red, itchy bumps. There may also be a white, cheesy discharge that smells of yeast. These may resemble the clinical presentation of some sexually transmitted diseases and so should any of these manifest, it is advisable to see a doctor to immediately.

Clinical manifestations of oral thrush on the other hand include slightly raised, “cottage-cheese” white lesions in the gums, inner cheeks, tongue, and tonsils and back of the throat. These are painful and may bleed if accidentally scraped by a brush. Cutaneous yeast infections signs and symptoms include cracked skin, itchy, red rashes and painful lesions that are sometimes accompanied with pus. Systemic infections are rare.

Male candidiasis is easily treated especially if given prompt attention. Physicians usually prescribe over-the-counter topical antifungal creams especially for infections on the penis. These are applied on the affected area twice daily for a week or two. Examples are Miconazole (Monistat) and Clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex). Oral preparations may also be available like Fluconazole (Diflucan). In the case of oral thrush, antifungals are given in tablets, lozenges, liquids or ointment.

However many men do find the chemical methods of treating a male yeast infection can be quite harsh on the body, especially their skin. There are many very effective natural methods out there for treating yeast infections, which are far more gentle on the body and often more effective also.

Chronic Yeast Infection

Chronic yeast infection is painful and unfortunately very common. Have you been suffering from chronic yeast infection for as long as you can remember? I personally went through this painful ordeal but am now totally free of this dreadful condition.

There are many things that you ought to know about the condition. The key question is whether your doctor can provide you with an effective cure in order to eliminate your recurring bouts of yeast infections.

Fungal infections as they are also called are not easy to define and because of this, your doctor may not be able to treat the condition as well as he should. A fungus called Candida Albicans is the cause of these infections. The problem arises when the fungus suddenly begins to overgrow leading to a huge list of annoying problems.

Candida grows mostly within the vaginal area due to the warmth and moist of the vaginal walls.

You can now understand why antibiotics cannot treat chronic yeast infection . In fact, Antibiotics worsen the condition. Antibiotics destroy what we call the friendly bacteria, which are present to fight off Candida Albicans.

Needless to say that once the friendly bacteria have been destroyed, the fungus then starts taking over. This is exactly what you want to avoid.

Many different cures are available to treat fungal infections. Some are better than others but in my opinion, natural remedies should be given the top spot. This is really the only cure that can stop a recurring fungal infection for good.

So the question is why?

Well, whether you decide to use garlic, yogurt or even boric acid to eliminate your infections, you will be surprised by the beneficial long term effects these natural cures have to offer you.

These remedies do not just hide the symptoms; they treat the root cause of the condition. This is what you should bear in mind when you look for a reliable solution. Normal chemical treatments can in fact make your infections worse instead of stopping it. The secret to getting rid of a recurring yeast infection is without doubt natural remedies.

Systemic Yeast Infection

What is a systemic yeast infection? A systemic candida infection is caused by a type of yeast called candida albicans. It resides in the body of humans (as well as animals) and thrives when in the presence of sugar. When the yeast multiplies to excessive levels, it can settle on the walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream. As a result, waste materials and allergens combined with the blood create more fungus "bad bacteria" and creating other problems in the body - including the liver and urinary tract. Systemic yeast infection is also called "opportunistic" or systemic candidiasis.

Causes of Systemic Yeast Infections

One cause of the fungal infection is the use (and overuse) of prescription medications antibiotics. This is due to the fact that while medications prescribed by a doctor can effectively treat viruses and infections, the medication also kills "good bacteria" that is necessary in the human body that helps to keep yeast levels in balance. Another source is changes in hormone levels in a women's body - especially during pregnancy as well as menopause. Taking birth control pills (or contraceptives) also affect female hormonal levels which can create a candida imbalance.

Systemic Yeast Infection Cures

One method for treating a systemic yeast outbreak is the use of a charcoal cure in tablet form. These pills help with the bloating that one can get during a severe yeast outbreak and also eliminate excess gas that is present in the stomach. Consumption of healthy fats, probiotics, vegetables (green ones in particular) and healthy fats (including olive oil, coconut oil and avocado) are necessary in order to reestablish a healthy intestinal flora and get you on the road to recovery.

Suggested Diet For Systemic Yeast Infection

The treatment of an opportunistic yeast fungal infection should also be treated with diet. Any type of sugar should be eliminated from your diet as yeast thrives on the presence of sugar. You should also reduce carbohydrates as well since when carbs are digested, they are converted to sugar. Fruits intake should be kept to a minimum due to their high fructose content - once the yeast infection has subsided, you can resume eating fruits in limited amounts until you are sure the candidas is cured.

Eating plain yogurt in large quantities is also recommended an effective yeast infection remedy. Make sure that you continue to eat foods that are high in fibers and proteins as these foods do not interfere with candida levels and are necessary for a well-balanced diet.

Recurring Yeast Infections

It is a fact that seventy-five percent of women will experience a yeast infection at some stage in their lives. That's just one infection and does not include men, who of course get them too. So we can certainly say that yeast infections are pretty common. They are also not exactly dangerous, or life threatening. Although they can be very irritating, painful, and distressing.

However, a proportion of people will get recurring yeast infections which become chronic (superinfections). When they reach this stage they can be very hard to get rid of, any minor remission and relief achieved by conventional medicine soon giving way to another outbreak. Often even worse than the one before.

Why is this, and just what can we do to break the cycle? There is no one reason of course. It could be the extended use of antibiotics for another condition. This will have the effect of not only killing the bacteria that it was intended for, but also the good bacteria in our bodies that would normally keep the yeast naturally present in check.

Unfortunately, once the yeast infection has started, even giving up the antibiotics will often not cure the problem. The excess yeast having grown in us is too powerful to let the good bacteria multiply to the point where it can do it's job. We have to take positive natural action to reduce the yeast and then prevent it from growing to problem proportions.

In fact not being proactive in the correct way is one reason of recurring yeast infections . The drug store preparations often used just don't really treat the infection at all. Just giving temporary relief, maybe getting rid of the more recent and easier to kill yeast. Leaving behind the original, stronger infection to grow again. The cycle repeating itself, the yeast getting ever stronger, to the point where these preparations are doing nothing except costing you money.

Getting your body back into it's normal, balanced state is the key to defeating a recurrent yeast infection. We can start by addressing our diet. A good natural diet including plenty of raw foods and natural yogurt. The yogurt must be natural, with no added sugar or flavorings, no additives at all. The natural yogurt can also be used as a cream, applied directly to the affected area.

Try having a pro biotic each day, preferably in the mornings, in order to build up the good bacteria in your system. Also don't forget to monitor your water intake, making sure you drink plenty each day. Most of us just don't drink enough water, dehydration is a friend to yeast infections. Taking these things together over a relatively short period will almost always result in an impressive improvement.

Over the longer term, this regime will enable your body to get to the point where it will take care of the yeast infection naturally and you will have no further problems.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Penile yeast infections are very similar to vaginal yeast infections. These infections all have the same burning and itching symptoms. Fortunately the the male yeast infection treatment is the same as for women.

There is a chance that a mild infection will cure itself on its own. However, there is no reason to suffer unnecessarily, so trying an at home remedy may be very beneficial.

The over the counter medications that are marketed towards women can be extremely effective in the treatment of the male infections as well. Since women suffer from a lot more yeast infections than men, the treatments are marketed towards them, but men can achieve the positive results with these products. Simply apply the cream to the affected area as directed in the instructions.

There are some other at home remedies that might work for the treatment of male infections as well. One of these is using yogurt.

There is bacteria living in your body that prevents the overgrowth of yeast. When this does not happen as it is supposed to, an infection might occur. Since yogurt contains bacteria, it can help to kill the overgrown yeast bacteria.

The yogurt is best if applied cool. Remember to apply the yogurt two to three times per day. This is said to be the best male yeast infection treatment above all.

It is possible to give a yeast infection to your partner if you are sexually active. So when you are suffering from an infection it is important to abstain from sexual intercourse. This could actually cause you and a partner to trade the infection back and forth if you were not careful.

If there is no cure with the over the counter medications and the home remedies then it is important to see a doctor. The doctor will help to make sure that you are not suffering from any other infection. The doctor can easily prescribe a medication to clear up the infection. Remember to take all of the prescribed medication even if you get relief before finishing it all.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Recurrent Yeast Infection

A person has recurrent yeast infection if he or she suffers from this condition at least four times in a calendar year. There are many reasons why Candidiasis or yeast infection recurs. We will discuss the causes here and offer advice on how to prevent Candida infection from recurring.

Causes of recurrent yeast infection

One of the most common causes of recurrent or chronic yeast infection is birth control pills. Women who take birth control pills are more likely to develop vaginal Candidiasis than those who do not. Pregnancy has also been identified as a factor behind chronic yeast infection. Pregnant women are more likely to experience a return of Candidiasis despite having cured the previous occurrence. In this regard, they should seek the help of a doctor before trying over the counter treatment to make sure that whatever they will be taking will not harm them or their baby.

People who have high-sugar diets are also likely to experience recurring Candida infection. The use of antibiotics can also make a person susceptible to repetitive infection since these medications can weaken a person's immune system. HIV-positive individuals, cancer patients and diabetics are prone to acquiring Candidiasis because their immune system has already taken a hit from their diseases and their bodies are less resistant to the Candida bacteria.

Preventing Candidiasis from recurring

The best way to prevent recurrent yeast infection is to watch one's diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Remember that the stronger your immune system is, the less likely you will be infected. Cut down on sugar intake and drink lots of water to flush out the unwanted elements inside your body.

Women who have experienced vaginal Candidiasis and men who have suffered from penile yeast infection should avoid wearing tight fitting undergarments. Use cotton underwear and avoid using spandex or lycra pants. After exercising, don't just let the sweat dry on your skin. Take a shower and use mild-scented soaps. After using the toilet, wipe yourself from front to back. It should also be noted by women that shaving the vulvar area can deprive them of natural protection against bacteria. When having your monthly period, use tampons instead of sanitary pads to prevent moisture from getting trapped between the pad and your skin.

Treatment options

To relieve the itchiness and burning feeling caused by Candidiasis, remedies made from natural ingredients like vinegar mixed with water, garlic paste and tampon dipped in yogurt can be used.
These are all effective cure for recurrent yeast infection . So dont worry. Now, you can say goodbye to those itchiness that irritates you.