Sunday, November 15, 2009

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Penile yeast infections are very similar to vaginal yeast infections. These infections all have the same burning and itching symptoms. Fortunately the the male yeast infection treatment is the same as for women.

There is a chance that a mild infection will cure itself on its own. However, there is no reason to suffer unnecessarily, so trying an at home remedy may be very beneficial.

The over the counter medications that are marketed towards women can be extremely effective in the treatment of the male infections as well. Since women suffer from a lot more yeast infections than men, the treatments are marketed towards them, but men can achieve the positive results with these products. Simply apply the cream to the affected area as directed in the instructions.

There are some other at home remedies that might work for the treatment of male infections as well. One of these is using yogurt.

There is bacteria living in your body that prevents the overgrowth of yeast. When this does not happen as it is supposed to, an infection might occur. Since yogurt contains bacteria, it can help to kill the overgrown yeast bacteria.

The yogurt is best if applied cool. Remember to apply the yogurt two to three times per day. This is said to be the best male yeast infection treatment above all.

It is possible to give a yeast infection to your partner if you are sexually active. So when you are suffering from an infection it is important to abstain from sexual intercourse. This could actually cause you and a partner to trade the infection back and forth if you were not careful.

If there is no cure with the over the counter medications and the home remedies then it is important to see a doctor. The doctor will help to make sure that you are not suffering from any other infection. The doctor can easily prescribe a medication to clear up the infection. Remember to take all of the prescribed medication even if you get relief before finishing it all.


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