Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recurring Yeast Infections

It is a fact that seventy-five percent of women will experience a yeast infection at some stage in their lives. That's just one infection and does not include men, who of course get them too. So we can certainly say that yeast infections are pretty common. They are also not exactly dangerous, or life threatening. Although they can be very irritating, painful, and distressing.

However, a proportion of people will get recurring yeast infections which become chronic (superinfections). When they reach this stage they can be very hard to get rid of, any minor remission and relief achieved by conventional medicine soon giving way to another outbreak. Often even worse than the one before.

Why is this, and just what can we do to break the cycle? There is no one reason of course. It could be the extended use of antibiotics for another condition. This will have the effect of not only killing the bacteria that it was intended for, but also the good bacteria in our bodies that would normally keep the yeast naturally present in check.

Unfortunately, once the yeast infection has started, even giving up the antibiotics will often not cure the problem. The excess yeast having grown in us is too powerful to let the good bacteria multiply to the point where it can do it's job. We have to take positive natural action to reduce the yeast and then prevent it from growing to problem proportions.

In fact not being proactive in the correct way is one reason of recurring yeast infections . The drug store preparations often used just don't really treat the infection at all. Just giving temporary relief, maybe getting rid of the more recent and easier to kill yeast. Leaving behind the original, stronger infection to grow again. The cycle repeating itself, the yeast getting ever stronger, to the point where these preparations are doing nothing except costing you money.

Getting your body back into it's normal, balanced state is the key to defeating a recurrent yeast infection. We can start by addressing our diet. A good natural diet including plenty of raw foods and natural yogurt. The yogurt must be natural, with no added sugar or flavorings, no additives at all. The natural yogurt can also be used as a cream, applied directly to the affected area.

Try having a pro biotic each day, preferably in the mornings, in order to build up the good bacteria in your system. Also don't forget to monitor your water intake, making sure you drink plenty each day. Most of us just don't drink enough water, dehydration is a friend to yeast infections. Taking these things together over a relatively short period will almost always result in an impressive improvement.

Over the longer term, this regime will enable your body to get to the point where it will take care of the yeast infection naturally and you will have no further problems.


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